Safe Green World

I walked out into the safe green world
     and the sun welcomed me in silence
          of its bright rays playing upon
               my face and shoulders
And my eyes were alive with pictures
     of strangers with smiles on their faces
          as they danced to the music of the leaves
               rustling in the wind...

I walked out into the safe green world
     and I knew that it was now the time
          to shed my dark clothes and drink
               the water of life
And I understood finally the kisses of women
     and the flight of the butterflies and I no longer
          needed glasses to see the beauty
               of the mountains—
They spoke a language all their own—
     the language of color and form
          of being and becoming
I knew that it was you all along
     that I searched for in the darkness
And the ocean answered my prayers
     with its soothing waves...

Yes, I was a lost soul then, looking
     for answers, angry and defiant,
          wanting to change it all—

Oh how much I wanted to change things!
     How much I wanted to scream and
          break out of my innards!
Look!  Look!  Here's a poet talking—
     an odd little fellow who walks with
          a limp, unable to bear the burden
              of the earthly struggle...

Now I walked into the safe green world
     and I saw myself laughing uncontrollably
              and bursting into tears...

I have accepted you now—the loss, the pain,
     the tears that I had to endure
          each time that I screamed to be
               close to you...

I have accepted you now in all your shame
     and your glory, in all your poverty
          and all your pretentious wealth of images
I have accepted you now—ugly and beautiful as
     you are, fragrant as a rose and stinking
          of rotten meat
I have accepted all of you like my salvation and
         my damnation

  O safe green world

 in my heart and my pockets

  O safe green world

I carry you daily to work and to school
     and in my dreams I see your beauty
          and your hideousness
And I break into a strange new laughter
     of a poet being born amidst a heap
          of rubbish and dead bodies and bones

O yes!  Yes!  Yes!  I'm safe here, guided
     by some invisible force telling me
          to go on, to go on and keep on
               fighting until my old age
                    when it doesn't matter any more—

All the scars of the soul and of the body will vanish
         inside the safe green world...

                                                       December 21, 1990
                                                    --Alexander Shaumyan