Is the number of Jews that must die in the concentrations camps,
Is the number of Japanese that must die to test the nuclear bomb,
Is the number of blacks that must be slaves to end slavery,
Is the number of people that must be killed by Stalin,
Is the number of communists that must be tried by McCarthy's red scare,
Is the number of Arabs that must be killed in the Holy war,
Is the number of missionaries that must be eaten by ungrateful savages,
Is the number of cows, pigs and chickens that must be slaughtered
                                      to feed America,
Is the number of people that must starve to end the world hunger,
Is the number of lives that must be sacrificed by the Chernobyl accident,
Is the number of cats and dogs that must be spayed to end reproduction,
Is the number of trees and forests that must die because of progress,
Is the number of animals needed for extinction so that man can control
Is the number of people that must burn in Lee Iacocca's Pintos,
Is the number of infants that must die from Nestlé's baby formula,
Is the number of uninformed consumers that must be sacrificed to make us
                    all feel safer about the product,
Is the number of people that must be paid off to keep quiet,
Is the number of families that must be paid in damages for their losses,
Is the number of people who simply don't care or are afraid to care,
Is the number of elderly that must die in the retirement homes,
Is the number of psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers needed
                    to straighten our lives out,
Is the number of priests and evangelists needed to tell us that there is
                    hope for salvation and a brighter future,
Is the number of artists that must spend a lot of time in mental institutions
                    because they don't buy it,
Is the number of nuclear weapons that must be made to insure our
                 democracy and the American Way,
Is the number of Indians that must be relocated to reservations,
Is the number of souls that must pay off their karmic debts,
Is the number of tears needed to fall before love is real,
Is the number of lies we must endure before the truth becomes apparent,
Is the number of gurus we must follow before we trust ourselves,
Is the number of astrologers and psychics needed to tell us what lies
                        ahead in our future,
Is the number of scientists and engineers needed to tell us that they have
                        made a new discovery,
Is the number of commercials we need to watch before we learn that
                    we don't want to buy what's being sold,
Is the number of women that men must screw to feel masculine,
Is the number of women that must be sacrificed to end patriarchy,
Is the number of years needed to pass before a child grows up,
Is the number of heroes we must discredit because they are not human,
Is the number of gods we must worship before we become godlike ourselves,
Is the number of matches we must burn before we put out forest fires,
Is the number of words we must use to find that some things cannot
            be expressed like love, beauty, peace, and equality,
Is the number of politicians we must endure before we form our own
Is the number of stars we must contemplate to transcend our earthly
Is the number of poems we must read to learn that we are all poets,
Is the number of fairy tales we must listen to before we become
                                childlike and open,
Is the number of sunsets we must watch before we really see one,
Is the number of birds we must hear before we really hear one,
Is the number of hands we must touch before we feel their warmth,
Is the number of thoughts we must think before we learn that life
                                is really beautiful,
Is the number of roses we must smell,
Is the number of trees and lakes and mountains that we must never pass by,
Is the number of songs we must sing to express our joy,
Is the number of infinity, and even beyond that, until we finally

                                                                         July 6, 1986
                                                                     --Alexander Shaumyan