On This Island Called Innocence

On this island called Innocence
     we have wept like children,
     playing in the sparkling mountains of youth,
On this island called Innocence
     we have made love in the rain,
     bursting spontaneously
      in the laughter of Spring,
     cherishing every moment of the
     silently dancing snowflakes,
On this island called Innocence
     we stood speechless before each other,
     taking in the warmth of our hearts,
     sailing in the misty dreams
     of a multicolored song,
     changing into butterflies
     like two restless caterpillars,
We had a longing for the trees,
     for the mountains, for the stars,
     for the rustling of the leaves,
On this island called Innocence
     we were never alone,
     we were always floating in the sun,
     melting like ice,
     we could never stop the journey,
     breathing deeply the snails, the seagulls, the wind,
     with no clocks to follow us,
     we could never find our way—
     we were forever lost like the sea, like the sea...

                                                      December 27, 1986
                                                   --Alexander Shaumyan