What Does This Painting Mean?
Oserei definire la civiltà:  la perfetta
[arte] di fingere.
È la virtù:  il secreto di mascherare
tutti i volti.
--Ugo Foscolo, Sesto tomo dell'io
A burst of swirling, whirling energy,
     foreboding a cataclysmic change
          of disastrous proportions,
Or it could be a giant alligator
     smoking a cigarette,
No, no, it's a challenge to
     the Utopian visions
     of sniveling bourgeoisie
Or a classic case of sublimated
     all artists are really horny,
Wow, what colors!  So many bright
     yellows and reds, standing out
     amidst the dark black, green and blue,
I see a cosmic, orgasmic release of
     tension, followed by a sudden
          collapse into the
     collective unconsciousness,
A drug-induced state, I might add--
     no woman could have done it
          to him,
Poor chap must have stayed
     awake on many a night,
     painting this,
Looks like a Rothkoesque, Kandinskian
     transcendent, orgiastic experience,
A pure LSD trip or a mystic vision
     of Huxley--
This is no Jackson Pollock, that's
     for sure,
A Marxist allegory of workers
     in hard hats,
     awaiting the arrival of spring,
A New Age consciousness testimony
     to the presence of extraterrestrials,
A Hindu ladder of incarnation
     and Buddhist manifestation
          of unity of all life—
               A Wheel of Karma,
                  for God's sake,
You've all missed the point—
     can't you see all those naked women
          on the backs of elephants?
A typical example of surrealist Dadaist
     attack on rationality,
There are even street lights
     over the ocean,
A crucifixion of a Frog,
     a hippie with a bandanna
          and a Coca-Cola bottle,
A lady with a missing tooth,
A professor who looks like
     Charles Manson,
But beyond that there is nothing
     much there--
Nabokov's Laughter in the Dark:
     Ha!  Ha!  Ha-ha-ha-ha!

                                   August 24, 1987
                                --Alexander Shaumyan