A Man Can Only Do So Much

A man can only do so much
Without his woman's loving touch--
He cannot see too far ahead--
His vision's bleak, his voice is dead.

Delusions occupy his mind--
Without his woman he's blind.
He gropes in darkness to no avail,
In aimless wander, ill and pale.

He walks alone in the abyss
Without his woman's lips to kiss.
Inside his head all thoughts grow dim
Without his woman next to him.

A man can dream but cannot feel
Without his woman's love so real--
Her love that he hallucinates,
That he alone can't create.

A man can only do so much
Without his woman's loving touch--
He writes his verse to no avail--
Without her love it's dull and stale.

For only she can reignite
His joy and laughter, love and light,
And only then and only then
A man can live and love again.

                                                August 5, 2004
                                              --Alexander Shaumyan