AN AFTERTHOUGHTWe create too many gods these days,
we deify people, movements, ideas,
events, and places,
But we must kill these gods,
we must look inside the invisible realm,
if we are ever too be free,
with time everything is BASTARDized,
everything is meaningless and vain,
Hence we have nihilism,
FREEDOM TO LOVE!I know that I know nothing,
and in my nothingness I scream
for freedom of my humanity,
let there be no more gods,
except those gods of imagination
that fill the fabric of my poems!MY LANGUAGE IS THE LANGUAGE OF THE EARTH!
MY SPIRIT IS THE SPIRIT OF THE SUN!Tear down all walls, all labels,
all colors, all illusions,
all BASTARDs, all gods,
and give me a kiss.January 14, 1988
--Alexander Shaumyan