We Stuff Our FacesWe stuff our faces, fuck, drink
and watch television,
And sometimes we diet and exercise,
fuck and drink
and watch television,
And sometimes we dance, fuck, drink
and watch television,
We make lots of money,
fuck, drink and watch television,
We make babies, fuck, drink
and watch television
We make bombs, fuck, drink and watch television,
And when there’s nothing good on TV,
we switch the channels,
We switch our wives for some better
piece of ass,
We stuff our faces, fuck, drink
and watch television,
We do it slowly and precisely,
We eat ourselves daily,
And we are hungry for each other’s company,
We stuff our faces, fuck, drink
and watch television,
And when we burst into tears,
We stuff our faces, fuck, drink
and watch television,
And we make lots of money,
And we write poetry about
stuffing our faces, fucking, drinking
and watching television,
We do it every day and every hour,
We do it every night before we go to sleep,
We stuff our faces, fuck, drink and watch television,
We drink, stuff our faces, fuck and watch television...
We do it in a civilized fashion,
And we like to watch ourselves and others doing it--
Doing it, doing it, doing it--
like some unstoppable machine,
We stuff our faces, fuck, drink and watch television,
and we are proud of our affluent society,
Because not everybody can stuff his face,
fuck, drink and watch television,
And not everybody has Hollywood and the big movie industry,
So we stuff our faces, fuck, drink
and watch television,
And we go to the movies and to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida,
where we stuff our faces, fuck, drink,
and watch television,
And we take aerobics classes
so that we can fuck better,
And we build our muscles,
And we masturbate,
And it feels really good,
And we see blonde women with
nice tight asses and pointed tits,
And we want to pinch those asses,
And we want to suck those tits,
We stuff our faces, fuck, drink
and watch television,
And we write poetry about it,
And it feels really, really, really good,
And our cock gets hard,
And we all get erections,
We stuff our faces, fuck, drink
and watch television,
And when we are bored,
We stuff our faces, fuck, drink
and watch television,
And we make movies about it,
and we advertise it on TV,
And we like to watch TV--
So we stuff our faces, fuck, drink and watch television...
September 5, 1988
--Alexander Shaumyan