Woodstock Market ‘94Take me, brother, by the hand,
We can all share the land,
Peace and love and harmony
Stimulate economy.Here’s our friendly Ticketmaster—
Take our money faster, faster!
Can’t you people understand?
We can all share the land.Here’s our talented rock idol—
Good for him! He’s entitled
To that paycheck in his hand,
We can all share the land.Someone’s talking of health care
For all citizens—who cares?
It’s too hard to understand,
We can all share the land.If you want an awesome view,
Call your cable Pay-Per-View,
Cable owners understand
We can all share the land.There’s famine in Rwanda
And in China propaganda,
And the Serbs can’t understand
We can all share the land.Yes, democracy is real
If you have a sex appeal
And an upbeat, kick-ass band,
We can all share the land.Take me, sister, by the hand,
We can all share the land—
Here’s an acre if you’re rich,
If you’re poor, a square inch.
August 15, 1994
--Alexander Shaumyan