The Healing Wind

In this healing wind
all our scars of the
past are blown away,
torn away and scattered
around the earth,
and all our demons are
lifted and carried off
in the vortex of
the wind funnel
till there is nothing
left but these rocks
and the ocean,
and our hearts feel
at peace once more,
as our eyes
scan the distant horizon,
where the ocean
meets the night sky,
where the moon
hangs low, casting
its tremulous glow
upon the water.

In this healing wind
all our thoughts
are scattered in the
silent multitude of stars
that shine upon us
like new blossoms…
yes, I know we've been
through a lot
all these years,
and the loneliness
and the pain
seemed unbearable
at times,
but you don't have
to say a thing to me
right now,
because the healing wind
turned it all around,
gave us new hope
and new purpose
and new sails--
and breathing in
this cool night air,
we feel renewed
and alive again,
as we return
to what we always
knew as our home,
resting upon these
rocks, as the ocean
waves gently baptize
our feet.

                        July 18, 2002
                     --Alexander Shaumyan