Rich Tapestry of Death

Some people die of old age,
as their bodies degenerate with passage of the time.
Others die of loneliness,
withering away in empty rooms devoid of love
and human contact.
Some die of heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, viral infections,
struggling to breathe, writhing in pain,
attached to tubes and life support machines.
Still others die from poverty and hunger,
from being born in the wrong place at the wrong time,
as stray bombs hit their wretched homes,
now turned to rubble, struggling to escape--
but there is no fleeing poverty and war…
Some die in earthquakes and tornadoes, in sudden floods
and brush fires, bewildered by what nature brings them.
Some die from too much sorrow--
naked and open to the world,
feeling its pain inside their hearts,
ending their lives in desperation,
as their voices drown in darkness…
Still others die a violent death
of rape and murder, as their killers take joy
in ending their youthful lives…
Some die in executions sanctioned by the state--
administered electric current or deadly poison…
Still others die of boredom, flipping hundreds of channels,
snacking on potato chips and drinking beer,
as their lives get emptier each day.
Some die from too much luxury and plastic surgery,
trying to stay young, rich and beautiful…
Yes, we all die in one way or another--
you, too, may find yourself already dead.
For life shortchanges us.
All too often fear rears its ugly head,
as we become afraid to trust or touch another,
building impenetrable walls around our hearts,
waiting and hoping that life will offer
something, something worth living for…
By then death comes around the corner--
it's too late.

                                      October 10, 2002
                                    --Alexander Shaumyan