Tonight I Feel My Heart Once More Can Sing
Tonight I feel my heart once more can sing
Because I know that I cannot control
What goes around me, yet within my soul
I have no fear of what the future brings.

For in the darkness I have seen the light
Of love's pure vision--radiant and free--
And I can see us dancing--you and me--
Like two young children in a fancy's flight.

Yes, look around, all we are is here
And so much more than all the world combined,
For their hearts are shut, their eyes are blind--
They cannot see beyond the sham veneer.

So let us dance and set our spirits free,
And let us wander off into the night
In our love's abandon and delight
And more alive that we could ever be!

                                                    November 4, 2002
                                                  --Alexander Shaumyan