
"Gluttony" by Nikolai Oleynikov
"Love" by Nikolai Oleynikov
"The State" by M. A. Voloshin
"Son of a Bitch" by Sergei Esenin
"Farewell, my dear friend, farewell" by Sergei Esenin
"Gray-Eyed King" by Anna Akhmatova
"I'm glad that your obsession isn't me" by Marina Tsvetayeva
"Giraffe" by Nikolai Gumilev
"The Word" by Nikolai Gumilev
"The Sixth Sense" by Nikolai Gumilev
"Winter Morning" by A. S. Pushkin
"Prisoner" by A. S. Pushkin
"Lo fatal" by Rubén Darío
"Le cancre" by Jacques Prévert
"Alla sera" by Ugo Foscolo
"Herbst" by Rainer Maria Rilke
"Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht" by Heinrich Heine
"Winter Night" by Boris Pasternak


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